Did you know that more than half of the USA population will have to face some form of mental disorder once in their lifetime? That is how common and rampant mental health challenges are. With our super busy lives, it is almost impossible to not get upset, frazzled, or haggard. However, very few people realize when they must stop struggling in the dark and seek professional help to bounce back to normalcy and a meaningful lifestyle.
Unfortunately, scores of people suffer in silence and try to remain brave even when they are weighed down by depression, worry, tantrums, and whatnot. All of these mental stressors are normal but sometimes they do take over anyone and make them helpless. So, instead of not speaking up about your mental strife for fear of being judged by others, learn to identify those signs that indicate the need for counseling. Once you can identify these triggers, seeking help should be your priority as it will lead to a healthier and happier you. So, what are those signs?
Becoming Insomniac or Facing Hypersomnia
This is one of the most obvious yet underrated symptoms of someone in need of help. When you are in the valley of depression and anxiety, you tend to either lose sleep, become an insomniac or you sleep way too much. Consequently, your mind becomes numb and you feel that you are coping with the challenges in a fine way. However, what are really do is self-sabotage. So, insomnia or hypersomnia is one of the primary signs that you need help.
Prone to Sudden Bouts of Anger, Crying, Frustration, Sadness, Anxiety, etc.
Another sign that may be indicative of the fact that you need some help includes the unexplainable need to suddenly cry, shout, become quiet, or feel perpetually depressed and anxious. Sometimes, if such signs are ignored, the sufferer turns out to be suicidal as these thoughts keep him or her frazzled and overwhelmed. So, if you experience such signs, it vividly conveys that you need to seek proper help for your recovery.
Emotional Eating & Peskiness
Likewise, eating uncontrollably and finding pleasure in food to calm the raving mind down is just another unhealthy coping mechanism. Most of the time, we fall for this trap and start eating ice cream tubs unnecessarily or eat just anything to feel satisfied. This type of pleasure is perilous as it is temporary and damaging. Furthermore, becoming pesky over petty stuff also becomes a norm. These signs combined also point to the need for you to seek therapy and adjust your life.
Loss of Productivity and Becoming Substance Dependent
Many people resort to procrastination or non-productivity because of their troubled minds and thoughts. When your mind is stressed out or in pain, it either wants to fight or take flight. Unfortunately, scores of people flee the harrowing thoughts by getting involved in substance abuse and ruining their lives altogether. When the normal functions of life start looking like a huge burden and you cannot pull a day off well, it means you are in dire need of therapy or professional help.
Solid self-care practices can assist us in maintaining our mental health and even get us out of a slump. There are other ways available, including meditation, talking to a trusted friend or family member, and reading self-help books. However, even these things do not always work without the assistance of a professional in the field. Keep an eye on your signs, and if things begin to slip through your fingers and you appear to be struggling with yourself and life, don’t waste time overthinking and seek counseling. In the long run, it will prove to be the best form of self-investment you have ever made. At Restore 360, we have some of the most qualified and professional therapists in Philadelphia. Schedule your free consultation with us today to get started on your recovery. For more information on our mental health services, contact us online or call us 484-373-2710. We care for you at Restore 360, your recovery is our priority.