It is completely normal to feel overwhelmed, stressed out, and anxious about life in general, or specific circumstances. The dictionary definition of overwhelmed is “completely overcome in mind or feeling.” A lot of us tend to completely fill up our schedules with back-to-back appointments, work, taking care of the kids, visits with friends, and more. We do this so much that we leave little or no time at all for ourselves, and then we feel too busy and overwhelmed. In this article, we will take a big step back to look at our lives and figure out how to reset.
Coping skills play a vital role in everyday life, and everyone manages their stress differently. Here are some helpful ways to cope with and overcome feeling overwhelmed:
Identify the problem or circumstance that is making you feel this way
There is always a reason (or multiple) for why you feel the way you do; it just might not be obvious at first. Take some time to think, reflect or journal about all areas of your life including work, home, and social. After some time, you will likely be able to figure out what the cause is. A great option to help with this is therapy. A therapist can help you navigate stress and feeling overwhelmed and help you identify your triggers and learn to cope with them.
Create a to-do list
Write down everything you can think of that you need to complete today or this week, and then determine the things that absolutely must be accomplished. You’ll be surprised how many things we have on the to-do list in our minds that we do not have to condense into an 8-hour day. Complete only the tasks required and choose to fill the empty time with self-care.
Implement me time and incorporate self-care into your daily routine
Determine what self-care looks like for you and the best ways for you to rest. While sometimes we might think that relaxation should happen when we have down time or go on vacation, it actually has to be worked into our schedules. It may feel odd at first to put self-care on your calendar in a specific time slot, but once you start regularly doing it, you’ll be so thankful. Start with things that make you happy. Maybe it’s a walk in the park, making a healthy meal, taking a nap, getting a massage, etc. Whatever it may be, do something that you enjoy. Read our article on self-care and selfishness to learn more about the importance of self-care.
Be gentle with yourself and acknowledge your limits
We tend to guilt ourselves when we cannot do everything we want to do or cannot handle something we thought we could. It is extremely important to remember that there are things you simply have no control over and that it is okay to say no sometimes. How you are feeling is valid and you need to be gentle with yourself, just like you would be with someone you love. Try incorporating positive affirmations into your mornings so that you start your day off in a healthy way.
Are you or a loved one feeling overwhelmed or anxious? Check out our resources on anxiety and self-care for help. You can also schedule an appointment with our therapists online or call (484) 373-2710 with any questions you may have about our mental health services and more.