While the physical benefits of Exercise are better known, the mental benefits are equally astounding but are often overlooked. Stress is a common trait innate to us all. But sometimes, it can be sudden, overpowering, and challenging to deal with. We all know the wonders exercise can do for your physical health, but can it also help with anxiety?
Physical activity can be an excellent tonic to alleviate your anxiety and deal with several mental health issues. Often in stress management programs, regular exercise is recommended as it can help manage the symptoms of depression, fatigue, anger, and several other mental health concerns.
Here’s how exercise helps:
- Exercising releases hormones called endorphins in your body that reduce pain. Just like morphine, endorphins are our body’s natural stress relievers that induce a positive sense of wellbeing. Exercise also reduces cortisol that is a stress hormone and works as a natural mood booster.
- Engaging in a healthy activity can help fight boredom and keep your mind away from overthinking pessimistic thoughts. Stress often occurs because of built-up tension. By doing a rigorous activity you also get a chance to take out physical aggression healthily.
- Not having confidence in your body can also lead to anxiety. Exercise helps you lose weight, strengthen your body and gain better confidence overall that may also aid in relationships and social situations. You may feel a subtle boost in your mood if you feel more confident in the way you physically look and feel.
- Stress and illness go hand in hand. Having one can reinforce the other. Improving your overall health with Exercise can save you lots of health issues in the long run. Building better immunity with Exercise means you improve your overall health and therefore are less likely to suffer stress from any physical illness.
By making exercise a part of your life, the benefits not only appear in your physical health but can also improve your social life and mental health as well. Give us a call at (484) 373-2710 or schedule an appointment online to learn more about the benefits of daily exercise in improving your mental health and to discover more about how we help you live a whole and fulfilled life again.