Anxiety and depression are considered forms of mental illness, yet they belong to separate categories. In contrast to anxiety, which has specific characteristics, depression is a mood illness. For instance, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and particular phobia all fall under the umbrella of anxiety disorders. In addition, many different conditions are related to depression, such as major depressive disorder, seasonal depression, and bipolar illness.

One such point of differentiation is how they recount the events. Dependence on others and an overwhelming sense of melancholy are hallmarks of depression. The root of anxiety is the concern that something unpleasant will occur or develop. The symptoms of the disorders, as well as the treatments used to treat them, are two more areas in which anxiety and depression differ.

Differences in Symptoms

Comparing the signs and symptoms of anxiety with those of depression is one way to distinguish between the two conditions. For example, some of the symptoms of anxiety are as follows:

  • Fаtiguе
  • Rеѕtlеѕѕnеѕѕ
  • Swеаting
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Speculation or persistent thought patterns
  • Nаuѕеа
  • Inѕоmniа
  • Attacks by panic
  • Irritability
  • Iѕоlаtiоn
  • Changes in temperament

Many of the same symptoms that are present in anxiety are also present in depression; however, some of these symptoms, such as excessive worrying or fear, are not directly associated to sadness. In a similar vein, having thoughts of suicide is more commonly associated with depression than it is with anxiety.

Differences in Medicine

There are distinct variations between the treatments for anxiety and depression that are now available. Depression is often treated with antidepressant medication, such as the prescription drug nortriptyline. Benzodiazepines, which are used to treat anxiety, are one of the anti-anxiety medications that are used the most frequently.

How to Combat Depression & Anxiety

Someone who has never struggled with feelings of melancholy or anxiety may find the prospect extremely daunting. On the other hand, if you’re attempting to figure out how to get over your anxiety and sadness, there are two different points of view that you could be approaching the problem from. To begin, you may be the one who is depressed and anxious, or you may be a loved one of the one who is going through these emotions. Both of these scenarios are possible. In any case, the circumstance can be resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.

The Person Experiencing the Symptoms

If you have depression and anxiety, you must recognize that anxiety is not a mental health issue. Many people who are experiencing these symptoms believe they are becoming insane. This couldn’t be further from the truth because anxious people are typically very intelligent. Their neurological systems aren’t functioning properly; their minds are functioning fully. Banish any thoughts you may have about having mental disorders in your life.

It would help if you started by having a physical exam done. This is a wise decision because people who suffer from anxiety frequently get panic attacks, believing they are experiencing heart problems or, often, a stroke. A person experiencing anxiety can quickly determine if they are dealing with a serious physical issue by getting a checkup.

At Restore 360, our psychologists and therapists are well-equipped to assist with anxiety and depression treatment. Our mental health services include individual and group therapy amongst other services. We offer free initial consultation to enable us to get to know you better. Please contact us online or call us at (484) 373-2710 to schedule your consultation and get to know more about our services.

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